Leonard Blussé


nameLeonard Blussé (Johan Leonard Blussé van Oud-Alblas )
Chinese Name:Bao Leshi 包乐史
Home adress:1071 PK Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel. (0)20-8467494
Mob (0) 624135360
Office:History Department, Leiden University
P.O. Box 9515
2300 RA Leiden
The Netherlands
Tel. (0)71-5272766
E-mailOffice: J.L.Blusse@hum.leidenuniv.nl
Home: vblus@upcmail.nl


1965-1973Sinology, Leiden University
1968-1969Student-assistant to Prof. dr. A.F.P. Hulsewé
1970-1972Anthropology, National Taiwan University, (Chinese Government scholar-ship)
1972-1975Research-assistant to Prof. dr. Hibino Takeo, History of the Overseas Chinese, Research Institute for the Humanities (Jimbun Kagaku kenkyujo), Kyoto University, (Mombusho grant)
1986Doctorate, Leiden University

Academic career:

1975-1976Manager Office of Indonesian Studies and coordinator of the historical research carried out in the framework of the Indonesian-Dutch cultural agreement, Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde (KITLV), Leiden
1977-1987Research officer and coordinator research on Asian History, Centre for the History of European Expansion (IGEER), Leiden University
1978-1989Board member Coordination Committee Southeast Asia (WOTRO)
1980 (autumn)Visiting researcher, on the invitation of the Nanyang Research Institute, Xiamen University, China
1981 (autumn)Visiting research fellow, on the invitation of Shiryo Hensanjo (Historiographical Institute), Tokyo University, with a grant of Nihon Gakujitsu Shinkokai
1987-1996Universitair Docent (Assistant Professor), Leiden University
1991-1992Fulbright grant recipient and Research fellow at the Shelby Cullom Davis Center of Historical Studies, Princeton University
1996-1998Universitair Hoofddocent¬ ( Associate Professor), History Depart¬ment, Leiden University
1997-2004Board member International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), Leiden
1998-2001KNAW (Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences) Extraordinary Professor History of Asian- European Relations, IGEER/CNWS, Leiden University
1999-2011Professor of Southeast Asian History, Nanyang Yanjiuyuan 南洋研究院 (National Research Institute Southeast Asian Studies) Xiamen University 厦门大学, China
2000-01Research fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS), Wassenaar.
2001- 2011Professor of History of Asian-European Relations, (History Department), Leiden University
2003-Member Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen, Haarlem.
2004-2011Professor of Southeast Asian History, (Department of Southeast Asian Languages and Cultures), Leiden University
2005-Honorary Research Fellow, Toyo Bunko, Tokyo, Japan.
2005Bestowed with the Linschoten-Vereeniging Medal
2005-06Erasmus Professor in Southeast Asian History, History Department, Harvard University
2006Knight of the Order of Orange Nassau
2010Elected member to the Academia Europaea.
2012-2013Guest Professor, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, Japan.
2016Recipient of the National Special Book Award of China.
2019Recipient of the Fukuoka Prize 2019.

Teaching experience, areas and courses:

1.Chinese history: analyzing and translating Ming and Ch’ing historical texts. Graduate (AIO courses) and undergraduate level (Sinological Institute)
2.Overseas history: (History Department) graduate seminars on
– European travel writing on Asia
– Colonial literature (specifically Dutch colonial literature on the Netherlands Indies)
– The intra-Asian shipping of the VOC
– The colonization of Taiwan
– Dutch-Japanese relations
– The Far East and the emergence of Imperialism
– War and Diplomacy in Asia in Early Modern Time
– Opium in Southeast Asian History
-The Dutch Consular Service in Asia during the second half of the nineteenth century
– Regime Change in Southeast Asia (1780-1830)
3.The history of European Expansion (1492-1950), special course for employees of the Royal Dutch Shell Company. The History of European Expansion (1492-1950), General introductory course Leiden University Indonesian History
4.History of the Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia (Sinological Institute)
5.Southeast Asian History (16th-19th centuries)
6.Initiator and co-organizer of the Crayenborgh Master Class for excellent students, Leiden History Department
– Nationalism and State Formation (1994)
– A European Miracle? (1995)
– Decline of Empires (1996)
– Religion and Power (1997)
– East and West (1998)
– Revolt and Repression (1999)
– Metropolis (2000)
– War and Peace (2001)
– Crime and Punishment (2002)
– Biography (2003)
– Factions and Federations (2004)
– Europe and Islam (2005)
– on sabbatical (2006)
– Human Agency and the Natural Environment within the Context of Global History (2007)

Other non-academic activities:

1969-1977Founder and secretary of Stichting Openlucht Binnenvaartmuseum, (Open Air Barge Museum Foundation), Rotterdam
1975-1984Board member C.N.O. Foundation
1992-2005Member Supervisory Board (Commissie van Toezicht), National Shipping Museum, Amsterdam
1998-2002Member of the board of publications of the Prince Claus Foundation
1998-2004Board member ISSCO, University of California at Berkeley
1998-2005Board Member of the International Institute for Asian Studies, The Netherlands
2003-Member, Koninklijke Hollandse Maatschappij der Wetenschappen, Haarlem.
2004Chairman supervisory board, Lustrum LSC 2004


Fluency in Dutch, French, English, German, Spanish, Japanese and Chinese.

© 2025 Leonard Blussé

Thema door Anders Norén